Article 1 The name of our association is Taiwan Innovation Technology Management Development Association (hereinafter the “Association”).
Article 2 The Association is organized in accordance with laws as a non-profit social community with the following objectives: to combine the academic field, the industrial field and the political field for the purpose of promoting the research, development and educational training of advance PCB design and to further promote the independence of the high technology industry of our country.
Article 3 The Association is organized in accordance with the administrative districts of the country and may establish branch organizations in accordance with laws.
Article 4 The address of the Association is at the region where the governing authority is located, and may establish branch organizations upon application with and approval from the governing authority. The organizational guidelines of such branch organizations should be prepared by the Management Board, submitted to the governing authority for approval, and then implemented. The establishment and any changes of the addresses of the Association and of the branch organizations should be notified to the governing authority for information.
Article 5 The Association has the following duties:
Article 6 The governing authority of the Association is the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In accordance with the objectives and the duties set out by the Charter, the competent authority in charge of the industry is mainly the Ministry of Economics and the Ministry of Education. Each industry in question should be guided and supervised by the competent authority in charge of the industry.
Article 7 People with the following qualifications may apply to become a member of the Association:
Article 8 All joining members should fill out a membership application form. Upon review and approval by the Management Board, the membership fee shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. Group members should appoint one representative for the purpose of exercising the rights of the members.
Branch organizations of the Association should be group members of the Association.
Article 9 Members (member representatives) enjoy voting rights, election rights, the rights to be elected, and dismissal rights. Each member (member representative) enjoys one vote. However, honorary members do not enjoy the above-mentioned rights.
Article 10 Members have an obligation to respect the Charter of the Association, participate in resolutions and pay membership fees.
Article 11 In case of any breach of laws, regulations, the Charter, or resolutions of the Members Meetings by any member (member representative), a warning or suspension of rights may be sanctioned through a resolution of the Management Board. In case of serious offenses causing damages to the Association, the membership may be cancelled through a resolution of the Members Meeting.
Article 12 A member who has lost membership qualification or whose membership has been canceled by resolution of the Members Meeting shall no longer be a member of the Association.
Article 13 Memberships may be withdrawn in accordance with the following:
Article 14 The highest power organization of the Association is the Members Meeting. When the Members Meeting is in recession, the Supervisory Board shall exercise its duties on its behalf. The Supervisory Board is the supervising organization. If the number of members exceeds 300, member representatives may be elected in proportion from each region to convene the Member Representatives Meeting and to exercise the duties of the Members Meeting. Member representatives shall serve terms of 3 years. The quota, regional ratio and election procedures for member representatives shall be prepared by the Management Board, submitted to the governing authority, and then implemented.
Article 15 The Members Meeting has the following duties:
The scope of important matters mentioned in sub-section 8 above shall be determined by the Management Board.
Article 16 When the number of members exceeds 300, this Article shall apply. The Association shall have 15 Directors and 6 Supervisors, to be elected by members (member representatives) and to form the Management Board and the Supervisory Board respectively. During the election of the above-mentioned Directors and Supervisors, in accordance with the vote calculations, 5 Backup Directors and 1 Backup Supervisor may also be elected, so that they could serve in accordance with their orders when there are vacancies for Directors or Supervisors. The Management Board of the current term may propose the suggested list of candidates for the Directors and Supervisors for the following term. Directors and Supervisors may be elected through communication without meetings, provided that such method of election may not be repeated consecutively. Procedures for elections by communication without meetings shall be implemented after submission to the governing authority by the Management Board.
Article 17 The Management Board has the following duties:
Article 18 The Management Board shall have 5 Executive Directors, to be elected among the Directors. A Chairman shall also be elected among the Executive Directors by the Directors. The Chairman shall centralize and supervisor the internal matters of the Association, shall represent the Association, and shall serve as the chairman of the Members Meetings and Meetings of the Management Board. If the Chairman cannot exercise his duty for any reason, one Executive Director shall be appointed to serve on his behalf. If the appointment was not made or cannot be made, the Executive Directors shall elect one person among themselves to serve the duties on the Chairman’s behalf. Vacancies for the Chairman and the Executive Directors shall be filled within one month.
Article 19 The Supervisory Board has the following duties:
Article 20 The Supervisory Board shall have 1 Executive Supervisor, to be elected among the Supervisors, to supervise the day-to-day affairs of the Association and to serve as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. If the Executive Supervisor cannot exercise his duties due to any reason, a Supervisor shall be appointed to exercise his duties on his behalf. If the appointment is not made or cannot be made, the Supervisors shall elect one person among themselves to exercise the duties.
Vacancy for the Chairman of the Supervisory Board (Executive Supervisor) should be filled within one month.
Article 21 The Directors and Supervisors serve their functions without remuneration, for a term of 3 years, which may be renewed if elected again. The same person may only renew his title as Chairman of the Management Board once.
Article 22 The Executive Management Board and the Executive Supervisory Board of the Association shall review the work schedules and guidelines for the Association.
Article 23 The Management Board may be divided into several committees in accordance with needs of the Association, the responsible persons for each committee to be hired by the Management Board. One Director-General and two Deputy Director-General shall be appointed to supervise each committee and promote the affairs of the Associations in accordance with the objectives of the Management Board.
Article 24 The Members Meetings of the Association shall be convened once a year. Special Members Meetings may be convened in case of needs.
Article 25 All members of the Association should attend the Members Meetings in principle, but may also delegate other members to attend on their behalf.
Article 26 Meetings of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board shall be convened once every 4 months. Backup Directors and Supervisors may be invited to the meetings. Directors and Supervisors should attend the meetings in person and may not delegate other persons to attend on their behalf. In case of absence for a consecutive two meetings, they shall be deemed to have resigned and shall be replaced by the Backup Directors and Supervisors in accordance with their orders. Meetings of Executive Directors and Executive Supervisors shall be convened at least every 2 months. Special meetings may be convened in case of needs.
Article 27 The funding of the Association comes from the following:
Article 28 Detailed rules for various matters shall be established separately.
Article 29 Upon termination of the affairs of the Association, the property of the Association may not be given to any private person or any private enterprise under any title. It shall be transferred to self-governing organizations of the same level and the same nature or to the government.
Article 30 The Charter of the Association shall be approved by the Members Meeting and shall be submitted to the governing authority before being implemented.
The same procedures shall apply for all amendments.
Copyright © 2008 Taiwan Innovation Technology Management Development Association All Rights Reserved.
服務時間:週一至週五 08:30~18:00 (例假日除外)
協會地址:242 新北市新莊區中正路649-9號8樓